Vaccination Requirements
All pets entering the facility for any of our services require a veterinary certificate providing proof that they are current on required vaccinations at least seven days prior to visiting us. Please review these requirements and be sure your dog is up to date before his or her visit. You may have your veterinarian fax your dog’s current vaccination status to us at 401.737.2906 prior to your arrival. We reserve the right to accept or reject your dog from any of our services depending upon our review of his/her vaccination status.
Take a Minute to Read More on What We Can All Do To Keep Our Pets Healthy
Required for Overnight Boarding, Dog Park, Group Training Classes, Private Events, Grooming and Self Wash Station:
- Bordetella (kennel cough) required yearly – recommended booster every 6 months
- Rabies (either 1 or 3 year vaccine accepted)
- Distemper or Distemper combo shots such as DHPP, DHLPP or DA2PP (either 1 or 3 year vaccine accepted)
- We do accept titer tests provided that they are documented by your veterinarian and are updated annually
- It is the ongoing responsibility of the pet parent to provide verification that vaccinations are current – we will make every effort to remind you before your pup’s vaccinations expire
- See below for additional requirements for dogs in Daycare and Group Play
Strongly Recommended but not Required:
Canine Flu (both H3N2 and H3N8 vaccines)
Daycare/Group Playtime:
In addition to the vaccination requirements listed above for overnight boarding, for your pup to participate in daycare and group play, you will also need a fecal exam with the giardia panel completed by your veterinarian within one month of your stay. Dogs older than 7 months must be spayed/neutered in order to attend daycare.
Vaccinations Explained:
Distemper may appear on your records as just that, or in a combo shot such as DHPP, DHLPP or DA2PP. These shots cover adenovirus, canine distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza and parvovirus.
There are three ways of administering the Bordetella vaccine:
- Intranasal (in the nose)
- Intravenous (by shot)
- Orally (in the mouth)
We prefer the oral form of the vaccine. The Bordetella vaccine takes several days to be effective. If your dog will arrive sooner than 10 days after receiving the vaccine, we require your dog to receive only the oral or intravenous form of the vaccine and not the intranasal form.
Canine Flu
Canine flu is a relatively new canine disease in the U.S. There are two strains and dogs do not have any immunity before their first exposure. Click HERE for more into on Canine Influenza.
Vaccine Effectiveness
The canine flu and the bordetella (kennel cough) vaccines may reduce the severity of the illnesses and may reduce, but will not eliminate, the possibility of a dog catching either canine flu or kennel cough. With both illnesses, dogs are contagious for two or three days before showing any symptoms so detection of contagious dogs prior to arrival cannot be assured.