Why is there a nap time?

Dogs need rest after strenuous play and stimulation.  All dogs are encouraged to take mid-day naps from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM.   Each pup will be housed in an individual enclosure and our guests will enjoy sharing quiet time with aromatherapy, soft music, and comfy beds...

Will my dog have indoor/outdoor access?

We have 900 square feet of secure outdoor space for the dogs to enjoy.  While the Small Park does not share direct access to this area, our group rotations allow for the “littles” to have their time in the fresh air too.

Do small dogs have their own area?

We have over 10,000 square feet of indoor play space and we separate our daycare groups by size, temperament and play style.  . Occasionally, we are able to combine the groups, but only do so when we are 100% positive that the personalities will match well. We also...